It’s no secret that hearing loss is commonly caused by exposure to loud noises. However, most people seem to underestimate what is considered a loud noise that could permanently damage their hearing if they’re not careful. In fact, something has innocent as mowing the lawn produces a sound that is loud enough to actually cause hearing loss if you’re exposed to it for a long time. Luckily, you’d need to be mowing the lawn for several hours to experience hearing damage, but it’s still a good example of how even the most common sounds in daily life can cause hearing loss.

To help illustrate this point further, we’re going to discuss four of the most common occupations that are often associated with hearing loss.

1. Construction jobs

Whether it’s at a construction site, in a carpentry workshop or even working in a mine underground, construction jobs are typically one of the most common occupations that are associated with hearing loss. Although they’re very different jobs, they all use heavy and loud machinery that can affect your hearing loss if you’re exposed to it for a long period of time. Audiologists typically deal with hearing loss cases that stem from occupational hazards such as sound and they commonly speak to those that work construction jobs.

If heavy machinery is involved, make sure you’re wearing earplugs or earmuffs to ensure that you’re not completely exposed to the sound. If you’re not given earplugs or earmuffs, then you’ll want to speak to your manager to ensure that you and your colleagues are protected from hearing loss.

2. Factory jobs

Much like construction, factory jobs involve a lot of heavy machinery and it’s very common for audiologists to see factory workers with hearing-related issues. This is because factory workers are in loud and large rooms that involve a lot of heavy machinery mixed with smaller machines. The problem also stems from the fact they work in factories for a long time, meaning they’re exposed without knowing it.

Again, hearing protection is the key to protecting yourself, so make sure you request earplugs or earmuffs from your manager if you’re worried about your hearing.

3. Entertainment jobs

Loud nightclubs, touring with musicians and playing on a stage all require loud music to be played almost constantly. This is why many musicians and singers wear earphones; it’s to block out loud sounds but also make it possible for them to hear the music so they can play or sing accordingly. Even if you’re not actively playing music, it’s a good idea to wear ear protection if you’re working in a loud club or venue.

4. Military jobs

Hearing loss is incredibly common among veterans. This is because they’ve been exposed to gunfire, aircraft engines, explosions and even screaming from their fellow soldiers. All of this can contribute to hearing loss and unlike many other jobs, wearing hearing protection could compromise a soldier’s hearing ability and make them vulnerable out in the field, making it a difficult compromise when their life is in the balance.