An audiologist is a qualified professional trained to diagnose, treat and manage various conditions relating to hearing, balance and neural systems. They are experts in hearing loss and custom fitting hearing aids. An audiologist can also treat inner ear problems such as tinnitus and balance disorders. They will perform tests and an examination of the ear to get to the root of the problem and recommend the most suitable treatment. Audiologists work with both children and adults and provide ongoing support to their patients. Here are four things an audiologist does:

Diagnose and treat hearing loss

There are many possible causes of hearing loss. An audiologist will perform an examination of the ear and hearing tests to see what the cause is. Hearing loss can be the result of an ear infection or a build-up of wax. It could also be due to an inner ear injury or exposure to loud noise. Hearing loss can also be brought on by old age. An audiologist will conduct a diagnosis and recommend the most suitable treatment. 

Provide expert advice about hearing aids

Audiologists are hearing aid experts. They are trained to custom fit hearing aids for the patient. They will do this by first making a mold of their ear. This is usually done using 3D imaging technology. Hearing aids come in different models, some are worn outside the ear and others are hidden in the ear canal. An audiologist will be able to recommend the best solution for their patient. They can also perform repairs and upgrades on hearing aids.

Treatment for tinnitus

An audiologist can also diagnose and treat tinnitus. This is a condition where the patient hears a ringing in their ear or ears. An audiologist will perform an examination to determine the cause of the tinnitus and suggest an appropriate treatment. Tinnitus can be associated with hearing loss or an underlying condition, it can be caused by infection or prolonged exposure to loud noise. An audiologist will be able to identify the cause and severity of the problem.

Help patients with balance disorders

Injury or issues with the inner ear can lead to balance disorders, also known as vestibular disorders. This can leave the patient feeling dizzy and experiencing a lack of coordination. An audiologist can identify the type of balance disorder and provide treatment. They will perform a diagnosis of the patient and check the inner ear for any signs of damage. They can also offer a range of therapies to help them manage the condition.

An audiologist can offer professional advice and counseling to their patients. This could include helping them to adjust to hearing aids, hearing loss and rehabilitation therapy. They are trained in several conditions that affect hearing and balance and can perform an accurate diagnosis. They will recommend the right treatment according to the patient’s needs. An audiologist will provide long-term support to patients to assist them in managing hearing loss, tinnitus and vestibular disorders.