Everyone understands the need to attend regular dental appointments to keep our teeth looking their best, but far fewer of us are aware when we should visit an audiologist. This is the case even though hearing loss is a significant problem for around 15% of Americans over the age of 18. 

Ultimately, regular audiology checkups are as fundamental to health as dental appointments. After all, prevention is better than cure, and allowing an audiologist to track your hearing yearly ensures the ability to take action before issues arise.

Even outside of these regular checkups, though, you may need to book an appointment. Most notably, individuals experiencing any hearing changes shouldn’t hesitate. If you’re still in doubt, however, we’re going to look at some sure signs that you could benefit from an appointment with an audiologist sooner rather than later.

Noticing the signs of hearing loss

The signs of hearing loss are easy to miss, especially in the early days. Still, seeking the advice of an audiologist as soon as possible is your best step towards recovery. As such, you must book an appointment as soon as you notice signs of hearing loss such as:

  • An inability to converse in bustling social settings.
  • Difficulty hearing voices, especially children and females
  • Needing to turn the television up louder
  • Forever asking people to repeat themselves
  • Avoidance of social settings for fear you won’t hear.

Note, too, that there is such a thing as sudden sensorineural hearing loss. In this instance, you’ll lose hearing seemingly straight away. This can be caused by trauma, though that isn’t always the case. Regardless of the reason, sudden hearing loss is an emergency, and seeking an appointment straight away is fundamental. 

Struggling with tinnitus

Around 25 million Americans experienced tinnitus in some form over the last ten years. Put simply, this term describes a sound within the ear, including a ringing, buzzing or even chirping noise, when there’s no external noise present. Most often, tinnitus is a sure sign of other issues, such as undetected hearing loss or ear infection. As such, it’s vital to see an audiologist as soon as tinnitus becomes a problem. 

Experiencing impacted earwax

Wax plays a fundamental role, but many individuals experience impacted, excessive earwax which can produce discomfort, hearing problems and more. Everything from dizziness to hearing loss that worsens over a short period can point to this problem, and it’s an issue that an audiologist can address quickly and efficiently if you book an appointment rather than attempting typically harmful home remedies. 

Struggling with ear infections

Lastly, ear infections need immediate attention to ensure that they don’t do lasting damage. Signs that you’re experiencing, include pain inside the ear, a high temperature or discharge from the ear. If you notice any of these symptoms, especially alongside notable hearing loss, you certainly shouldn’t hesitate.

Ultimately, an audiologist should be top of your contact list whether you want to maintain or treat hearing health. With the right professionals to hand, you certainly won’t need to struggle in silence any longer.