Many factors can impact the health of your hearing, from the food you eat to your exposure to loud noises, which means that anyone may experience changes in their hearing. Looking after your hearing health is vital at any age. Not only should you visit an audiologist as you get older and your hearing inevitably starts to change, but it is also something that you should consider at a young age.

If you find that your hearing is beginning to change, then visiting an audiologist is an excellent idea. Audiologists will be able to conduct a variety of tests that will help them to identify anything health-related to your hearing, along with an assessment and support.

If you are thinking of scheduling an appointment with an audiologist, then it can be helpful to know what to expect at a hearing test. This will mentally and physically prepare you before you attend. It will also help you to think about any information that you may need to take or be aware of, to discuss with the audiologist at the time of the appointment.

What is a Hearing Test?

A hearing test involves a range of activities that will enable the audiologist to assess your hearing. The appointment may last between half an hour to an hour.

What Will the Hearing Test Include?

The hearing test will include a variety of tasks that will help the assessor determine the health of your hearing and the best outcome for you. These might include a pure-tone test, tympanometry or speech testing.

A Discussion

The first thing that you can expect in your hearing test, is a discussion with your audiologist. This will be to learn more about your hearing experience, the lifestyle that you lead including activities that you participate in, your exercise levels, your diet, your work and what kind of noises you are exposed to regularly.

Your Medical History

Your audiologist will go through your medical history. This will enable them to understand you better as a person, and any health conditions that you have currently or that you may be at risk of experiencing. Many health conditions can impact your hearing, so your audiologist must have a full understanding of what these may be so that they can provide the best solutions tailored to your needs.

An Examination

The audiologist will conduct a physical examination of your ears, so they can see if there is anything internal that is impacting your hearing health and experience.

Pure-Tone Test

You will be in a soundproof room with a pair of headphones on your head. You will be played a variety of sounds, and you will be instructed to press a button every time you hear it. This is a simple and painless experience that lasts between 20-30 minutes. This activity will produce a graph for the audiologist to analyze so they can better understand your hearing loss. This allows them to recommend a personalized treatment for your needs.

A hearing test with an audiologist is very simple, yet detailed. It will provide them with everything they need to know to understand your hearing health and your personal experience, so they can provide you with tailored support.

Tags: speech tests, tympanometry